Transiting 1 at Arena One Gallery, Santa Monica, CA (July 24 - Aug 16, 2018)
I’ve organized 7 exhibitions in the last three years for non-profit and university galleries. Often these shows are developed in collaboration with others, as in the Transiting project, a joint venture between Gipe, Kim Griffith and John David O’Brien. For Gipe, the Transiting concept grew out of an interest in Situationism, and making work while under the self-guided hypnosis of the dérive. The origin of the title comes from O’Brien’s interest in philosopher Mario Perniola's Transiti (1980), an essay that examines the role of images in a wide range of aesthetic and social contexts, finding the notion of transiti as a suitable way to capture the cultural aspects of technology that have altered today’s society. It is the organizers’ intention to continue Transiting as an event held in a different city each year, building on a roster of artists making work at the intersection of art and movement.

Transiting 2/GipeArtFax_SimoneGad
Gipe’s contribution to Transiting 2 was a fax machine, set to receive transmissions all summer. One of the first was Simone Gad’s haunting drawing.

Transiting 2 / Joseph Gross Gallery/ University of Arizona
Left to Right:
Julio Romero
Michal Wisniowski
Cara Levine
Jason Manley
Meital Yaniv

Kio Griffith on ramp wall.
Its length allowed the activation of a space that is usually unlit and empty.
Manley, Wisniowski in foreground.

Kamikaze Dérive @ PØST (Nobody Walks in LA)
Lawrence Gipe, Organizer
Kamikaze Dérive @ PØST (Nobody Walks in LA) is a group exhibition of works by 15 LA artists that draws from the experience of wandering about the SoCal’s rich and varied urban landscapes. For Dérive Kamikaze @ PØST, Gipe asked artists to engage in a loosely-defined notion of dérive as a template for exploration and production, with an artwork being a visual manifestation of the experience. Exhibiting artists include Kim Abeles, Laura Atchinson, Gary Brewer, Nick Brown, Eileen Cowin, Joey Forsyte, Bobbi Gentry, Audra Graziano, Kio Griffith, Alexander Kritselis, Jon Kuzmich, Aline Mare, Thinh Nguyen, Don Porcella and Jody Zellen

"Everyone is Hypnotized: Artists Dérive the Bay Area"
Curated by Lawrence Gipe and Sarah Tell
May 5-24, 2017 at ProArts Gallery, Oakland, CA
With: Brian Dean, Sebastian Alvarez, Joanne Easton, Marshall Elliott, Jon Gourley, Jon Kuzmich, Leora Lutz, Andréanne Michon, Maria Porges, Michal Wisniowski and Minoosh Zomorodinia

"Everyone is Hypnotized: Artists Dérive the Bay Area"
Installation View at ProArts Gallery
from left to right: Joanne Easton, Marshall Elliott, Bruce Dean, Andréanne Michon, Jon Gourley

Faultline 2017: A Group Exhibition at The Brewery Artwalk
Co-curated with Joey Forsyth and Alex Kritselis
April 28-29, 2017
with: Kim Abeles, Dennis Callwood, Eileen Cowin, Daniel Dove, Sydney Foreman, Joey Forsyte, Keiko Fukazawa, Lawrence Gipe, Mark Steven Greenfield, Scott Greiger, Susan Joseph, Emma Jurgensen, Alex Kritselis, Luisa Martinez, Jim Morphesis, Amitis Motevalli, Bella Parisot, Milo Reice, Roxene Rockwell, Alexis Smith, Thinh Nguyen, Linda Vallejo, Mark Dean Veca, HK Zamani

Fault Line 2017: Kim Abeles, Mark Steven Greenfield, Sydney Foreman, HK Zamani, Emma Jorgensen, Linda Vallejo, Mark Dean Veca

"The Known Universe"
Curated by Lawrence Gipe and Sarah Tell
Installation View at Root Division Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Left: Sandra Yagi
By Window: Marshall Elliott
Right: Manfred Schroeder

"The Known Universe"
Curated by Lawrence Gipe and Sarah Tell
Installation View at Root Division Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Left: Tamra Seal
Right: Mido Lee

"The Known Universe"
Curated by Lawrence Gipe and Sarah Tell
Installation View at Root Division Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Left: Michal Wisniowski
Center: Nathan Hayden
Right: Scott Greenwalt

"The Known Universe"
Curated by Lawrence Gipe and Sarah Tell
Installation View at Root Division Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Left: Scott Greenwalt
Right: Marko Peljhan

Curated by ARTRA, Los Angeles, CA
Lawrence Gipe and Sarah Tell, San Francisco, CA
at Studio 17, San Francisco, CA