"In Commemoration of Gardi Sugdub, 2024"
oil on canvas
96” x 72”
“In Commemoration of Gardi Sugdub”, concerns the fate of islands in the Panamanian Archipelago, where the landmasses are becoming too flooded and the environs too polluted to sustain the culture. It is derived from a composite of three drone photos taken from news media. My current project is a series of large-scale oil paintings sourced from images of ecological trauma, captured from the vantage point of drones. My “genre” label for this is "environmental realism"; I seek to re-examine the role of epic landscape painting, the Sublime and representation, while simultaneously referencing our very real and pressing climate change dilemmas.

“In Commemoration of Gardi Sugdub, 2024”
oil on canvas
72” x 96”